‘We do not want more clashes’ – Cunning statement by China

China instigates the conflict; Indian retaliation forces it to go on the back foot. Statements of withdrawal are part of the double standards adopted by China. India should not heed and be prepared to strike an apt blow.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian

Beijing (China) – ‘Sovereignty over Galwan valley is always a concern of China. Despite the dialogue and resolution at Commandant Level, Indian Army crossed the border. It breached the Chinese border protocols. Violent clashes took place in the Chinese section of LAC. Therefore, China cannot be blamed. China did not initiate aggression. We do not wish more combats in the region’, stated the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson – Zhao Lijian.

Zhao Lijian who was speaking at a press conference said, “We advise India to ask its soldiers to maintain the discipline and desist from infringement and provocative actions. They should work together with China. India and China will continue talks and negotiation to de-escalate tensions Only the discussions will solve the issue”. (This is Chinese hypocrisy. Initiate intrusion into borders and give statements of negotiations is typical Chinese diplomacy. – Editor.)