Radiant thoughts of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Yajna destroys Raja-Tama !
If the body is infected due to germs, they can be destroyed by taking medicines. Similarly, Raja-Tama components get destroyed due to the physical and subtle smoke of a Yajna.
Pathetic state of Hindus because temples do not provide education on Dharma !
What else do the workers in a temple do other than providing facility of darshan of the Idols to devotees ? If they had educated the devotees on Dharma or spiritual practice, the state of Hindus and India would not have been so pathetic !
Hindus who are inactive in protecting Dharma will be punished by God !
All-party Governments do not interfere in the religious practices of Muslims and Christians, but they are destroying the religious practices of Hindu. Yet, Hindus are inactive, and they will be punished (by God) for this !
We need to stock some sadhana for the adverse times !
To face difficult times, we save some money in banks. Similarly, for survival during the adverse times, we need to have some stock of sadhana (Spiritual practice) in store. This will help us in our difficult times !
Spiritual practice only can make us experience real peace !
Real peace can be experienced only after merging with the nirgun (Non-materialised) Principle of God. Yet, the rulers have been resorting to superficial measures at the psychological level, such as making mental hospitals, resolving people’s problems superficially rather than teaching people spiritual practice to resolve their problems !
Patriots and devout Hindus need to expose injustice in all fields !
O’ patriots and devout Hindus ! Expose injustice and raise your voice against it through lawful means. Injustice not only in your own field but also in all fields such as Medical, Judiciary, Police department, Government offices, etc !
‘Individual freedom’ is talked of only in the context of spiritual traditions !
Under the guise of ‘Individual freedom’, those who behave as per their own wish, do not behave in a similar manner in the context of matters even in one of the fields such as Medical, Judiciary, etc. They behave as per their own wish only in the context of spiritual traditions !
Rulers do not know that ‘Prevention is better than cure’ !
Making complete efforts to avert a mistake is better than making efforts to rectify it (Prevention is better than cure). Not even having this little knowledge, the rulers since Independence have driven the Nation to the precipice of ruin !
Ridiculous Communism !
When Communists cannot bring Communism even into peoples’ education, health, likes-dislikes, etc. how can they bring it into a Nation ?
If temple workers had educated the devotees on Dharma or sadhana, the state of Hindus and India would not have been so pathetic !