Sanatan’s Texts useful for the coming adverse times !

First-aid Training (Part 1)

Examining the victim, saving the critical victim’s life and first-aid on ailments associated with shock

  • Some suggestions about the first-aid kit and contents of the first-aid kit
  • How to initially diagnose the victim’s condition and how to examine him
  • Actions to save the life of a patient who is in a critical condition

First-aid Training (Part 2)

First-aid on bleeding, injury, fracture, injury to muscles, etc.

This Text includes first-aid to be provided during serious injuries such as those that result in severe bleeding from a wound, fracture of bones, muscle injuries, dislocation of joints, muscle cramps, etc. Along with first-aid, there is also a Chapter on dressings, bandages and slings. These will help the reader understand the subject better.

First-aid Training (Part 3)

First-aid on suffocation, burns, electric shock, animal & insect bites, poisoning etc.

This Text elaborates on the first-aid to be provided in the events of suffocation, burning, electric shock, disorders arising due to change in body temperature, poisoning, road accidents, etc. In the chapter on ‘Animal bites and insect bites’ in this part, while explaining the treatment on snakebites, information is provided according to ‘National Snakebite Management Protocol’ of the Indian Government.