Saudi Arabia hangs 7 people to death, including a Pakistani national

So far this year, 236 people have been executed by hanging

Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) – Seven criminals were hanged to death in Saudi Arabia, five of whom were drug addicts and two others were convicted in other cases and sentenced to death. One of those executed was a Pakistani national, while two were Saudi and four were Yemeni nationals.

So far this year, 236 people have been executed in Saudi Arabia

The number of people executed in Saudi Arabia has risen to 236 so far in 2024, 71 of whom have been executed for drug trafficking. Saudi Arabia has become a major market for the drug Capgone coming from war-torn Syria and Lebanon. The Saudi government has taken a tough stance against it. In Saudi Arabia, 2 years ago the ban on capital punishment in cases related to drugs was cancelled.

Saudi Arabia ranks third among countries with the highest number of executions of criminals

Amnesty International, a human rights group, said Saudi Arabia executed the third-highest number of people in the world in 2023 after China and Iran. Saudi Arabia has been consistently criticized by human rights groups for its use of the death penalty. The Saudis said some time ago that ‘the death penalty was necessary to maintain public order’.

Editorial Perspective

Citizens avoid committing crimes only when they are fearful of the law. In India, since there is no fear of law, law and order has deteriorated in the country. Now India should formulate strict laws and also implement them stringently.