Hindus threatened not to celebrate Durga Puja in Bangladesh

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – Hindus are facing threats from Jihadi groups regarding the Durga Puja
celebrations. In Khulna, letters have been issued to the Durga Puja Committees, insisting that they should pay three and a half lakh Rupees / Taka to get permission if they wish to celebrate. Demands are now emerging that Hindus should not be allowed a holiday for Durga Puja. Jihadi groups have marched in Dhaka to express their opposition, despite the long-standing tradition of Hindus celebrating this festival in the region.

A group named ‘Insaf Keemkari Chhatra-Janata’ held a protest with placards in Bengali. The signs
displayed messages such as ‘Puja will disrupt traffic’, ‘Idol immersion leads to water pollution’, and ‘No Idol worship will be allowed’. They also submitted a 16-point list of demands.

The organisation argues that the festival harms the environment; it has made additional demands,
including banning blocking of roads for programmes and prohibiting the use of Government funds for festivals. Such demands have created an environment of tension among Hindus in Bangladesh.

Demand to put up anti-India signs in temples

Jihadi organisations are demanding that Hindus demonstrate their loyalty to Bangladesh by installing
anti-India signs in all temples. (Since Independence, have Hindus in India ever compelled Muslims to display anti-Pakistan signs on their mosques and madarasas ? Hindus are tolerant, whereas, Hindus in Islamic countries are being pressurised to demonstrate their loyalty ! – Editor)

Editorial Perspective

  • Bangladesh has now become another Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hindus there will have no other option but to flee to India. The Government of India must take appropriate steps now before such a situation arises !
  • The challenges Hindus face as a minority in Islamic countries is evident. On the other hand the actions of fanatic Muslims in India are deeply disturbing.