Hamas supporter Pakistani Imam expelled by Italian Govt

(Imam is the one who leads Islamic prayer in the Mosque)

Expelled Imam (left)

Rome (Italy) – The Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni has ordered expulsion for Pakistani Imam Zulfikar Khan (54). He was expelled for being a staunch supporter of terrorist group Hamas. His residence licence has also been cancelled.

Born in Pakistan, Zulfikar has been living in Bologna Italy, since 1995. He has posted several  objectionable videos regarding Gaza war. He had called Israel and the US as ‘murderers’.

His speeches used to be  anti-western world, anti-homosexuality, and anti-women. He was inciting Muslims in Italy to oppose the policies of Italian Government.

Editorial Perspective

When will Bharat take decision like this ? In India people openly support Jihadi terrorists, Indians should pressurise the Government to act like this.