India is a country of Particular Concern. Recommends the USCRIF Report

(This exclusive pointwise refutation not only underscores the ugly face of the anti-Indian USCIRF, but also provides a 10-point set of recommendations to the Indian government regarding the dire state of Hindu human rights across the Indian subcontinent and beyond. – Our team has painstakingly prepared it for the ultimate cause – the Hindu cause.)

Delhi – The Latest USCRIF report states that after Modi’s return for a third term, the religious freedom of Muslims and Christians has further deteriorated, with increasing violence against them.

  1. Another year and yet another brazen attempt at peddling lies against India, specifically aimed at maligning Hindus, the majority community in India, has been made by USCIRF, the so called “watchdog” of religious freedom all over the world, based in the US.
  2. A quick look at the report by anyone reading the newspapers daily would reveal that the conclusion of the report that India’s atrocities on its minorities is becoming worse is not based on facts but on a few incidents reported in Indian media, the facts of which have been twisted without going into details of the case, to suit a particular anti-India rhetoric that has been peddled worldwide by anti-India forces since the Modi government came to power.
  3. Two of the presently serving commissioners and a senior policy analyst in USCIRF have roots in Pakistan. In fact, in 2022, there was an ANI report stating that some key serving officials were even seen on the platforms of US based Muslim groups having links to Pakistan-based terror organizations. The USCIRF even started using the Pakistan-approved map of India without J&K in 2014. It would not be a surprise then that such a report came out, especially after the BJP government won the general elections for a third term!
  4. At a single glance, it may seem that the report is “anti-India”; however, a careful study of the report and the website of USCIRF (https://uscirf.gov) would reveal that it is fundamentally “anti-Hindu” and that it detests a government that is supported by the majority community in India.
  5. The USCIRF commissioners seem to be oblivious of the fact that an Islamic country called Bangladesh even exists on the map of the world, where religious freedom of minority Hindus has been under major threat since the ouster of its former PM Sheikh Hasina in a coup. The loot, murder and rape of Bangladeshi Hindus is, according to USCIRF, not worth even a mention! The name Bangladesh is not even listed on the website under places which this so called “watchdog” is considering for assessment of religious freedom.
  6. The same goes for Pakistan’s religious minorities. Whereas, a report is released against India every year, one can find only one report about Pakistan, released in 2021, on its website. The focus in this report was more on the blasphemy laws and the persecution of Ahmediyas, and very little has been mentioned regarding the abduction, rape, and forced marriages of minor Hindu and Sikh girls, which continues unabated till date. (What more could be expected from Pakistanis who have blatant Hindu hatred and dreams of Ghazwa-e-Hind infused into their blood since childhood! – Editor)
  7. The USCIRF has also been accused in the past of having a Christian bias and of focusing on rhetorical demonization of persecutors, perceived and otherwise, rather than facilitating institutions necessary for religious freedom in countries where the requirement is genuine. (If they genuinely cared for religious freedom of everyone including Hindus, then they would have recommended a truth and reconciliation commission for India for what the church did during the inquisition in Goa and asked the Pope to apologize to Hindus as well for it. – Editor)
  8. The mention of certain individuals and NGOs accused under serious charges in India as persecuted raises questions regarding whether the USCIRF is hand in glove with these anti-India forces. The overemphasis of the report is on how anti conversion laws, passed in some of the states in India, is discriminatory against the minorities, conveniently ignoring counter evidence that it was in fact the minority communities that were using unlawful ways to convert gullible Hindus. Apparently, they are disappointed by the fact that the conversion to Christianity and Islam from Hinduism in India is not reaching “expected levels” even after so many centuries of persecution of Hindus!
  9. The report dwells on only the incidents that project the anti-Hindu rhetoric from Manipur and conveniently ignores the plight of Hindus and the destruction of their religious places in the violence, and the attack on the religious freedom of Hindus in Christian majority states in north east India where they are a religious minority.
  10. The truth of the Nuh incident was that gunmen with loaded rifles from the so-called minority community waited on hillocks surrounding a centuries old temple to hunt down innocent Hindu pilgrims including women and children had come on an annual pilgrimage. Hundreds of vehicles belonging to devotees were torched amid continuous firing and unarmed Hindu men, women and children had to take shelter in the temple for several hours before they could be rescued.

The attempts at presenting a twisted version of this incident, adding to it stories out of nowhere to show the perpetrators as victims is a capability that only Goebbels could have surpassed!

The report clearly takes the exact line that the dispensation in Pakistan has, regarding the revocation of article 370. No prizes for guessing why it is doing so!

Recommendations to the Indian government

  1. Define the word “minorities” clearly in the Constitution according to the UN definition of minorities, i.e., below 5% of the total population of the country. Take away the minority status of those who are the second and third majorities in the country and are enjoying the benefits of hundreds of government schemes financed by majority community taxpayers. By not doing so, the Indian state is letting such anti-India forces further their perpetual victimhood narratives by overlooking the facts of the cases. Furthermore, their so-called minority status has become a yardstick for the leftist narrative to flourish. This is killing the Indic ethos more than ever.
  2. Make anti-conversion laws stronger and implement them throughout the country uniformly.
  3. Propose stronger punishments for foreign-funded individuals and NGOs that propagate foreign Hinduphobic agenda on Indian soil.
  4. Document exhaustively and highlight the same on international platforms – the Hindu genocide that has happened over the last few centuries at the hands of the so-called minorities – the non-kafirs. Ongoing Hindu genocide in Bangladesh should be taken up in the International Court of Justice.
  5. Amid the geopolitical crisis surrounding South Asia, Indian interests should be of utmost significance, but not at the cost of the core Indic faith—Bangladeshi Hindus need to be safeguarded. India should reconsider its relationship with Bangladesh, its most favored nation. Let us keep in mind that just as India needs Bangladesh, the latter also needs the former, perhaps even more.
  6. Consider this report of USCIRF as an attack on the sovereignty of the country as its panellists are majorly from Pakistan, a declared enemy of India. Declare USCIRF as a bogus, anti-India, anti-Hindu organization and consider banning the entry of all its members and senators who appoint them.
  7. Conduct a thorough investigation regarding what the Pakistan army did to the then East Pakistan during the 1970s and hold Pakistan army generals to trial in the ICJ who committed untold atrocities on the civilians, especially Hindus in east Pakistan.
  8. Form a commission looking into the religious freedom of Hindus in all the countries in the Indian subcontinent and prepare a country-wise detailed report.
  9. Fund and support those organizations that are working on bringing in front of the world the blatant human rights violations happening in Pakistan and other dictatorial regimes in the Indian subcontinent.
  10. Last but not least, India should formulate a Bharatiya Commission on International Religious Freedom and Human Rights (BCIRFHR) to showcase to the world the true American face—regarding the dire state of human rights for its citizens, the vicious role it plays in destabilizing the local worlds, and more.

(The latest USCIRF report on India can be read at : https://uscirf.gov/sites/default/files/2024-05/India.pdf)

Editorial Perspective

Outrightly blatant lies with malicious bias by USCIRF about India. Why shouldn’t India bring this Hinduphobic organization before the ICJ?