India can handle the situation in West Asia : Lebanon

Lebanon’s ambassador Dr Rabi Narsh

Beirut (Lebanon) – Against the background of unrest in West Asia, Lebanon’s ambassador Dr Rabi Narsh said, ‘India can play a very important role in handling the situation.’ Earlier, the Iranian ambassador had also said that India could convince Israel to stop its attacks in Gaza.

Ambassador Dr Rabi Narsh said that we have appealed to our friend (India) to put pressure on the Israeli Government so that the conflict ends. We told them, ‘We want good relations with Israel and an end to this conflict.’ India will soon send medical and humanitarian aid to Lebanon. The situation in Lebanon is very bad and our Government is committed to implementing the UN Security Council Resolution passed in 2006. Accordingly, hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah may end.

Editorial Perspective

Did the countries who expected India’s help on wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Lebanon ever help India in Pakistan’s terrorist activities against Hindus in India ?