Israel’s official website displays wrong map of India, Israel apologises and rectifies

Indians pointed out the mistake on ‘X’

Israel’s Ambassador to India Reuven Azar

Tel Aviv (Israel) – Israel’s official website showed most of Jammu and Kashmir on India’s map as being in Pakistan. Indian citizens voiced their disapproval on ‘X’, prompting a response from Israel’s ambassador, Reuven Azar, who clarified that the error stemmed from a website editor’s oversight. “We have quickly eliminated the map from our website. Thank you for alerting us to this situation,” he remarked.

An Indian citizen responded by posting a photograph of the map on ‘X’, stating, ‘India supports Israel in its conflict with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. However, can we say Israel stands with India ? Look at this map on Israel’s official website, especially the representation of Jammu and Kashmir.’

This issue has become widely discussed. There was a significant outcry from Indian citizens. Israel quickly responded by removing the inaccurate map and issuing an apology after acknowledging the situation.

Editorial Perspective

Congratulations to the vigilant Indians who proudly defend their nation.