Mauritius gets its island back from Britain with India’s help

Prime Minister of Mauritius thanks India

New Delhi – Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnath has thanked the Indian Government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi after taking control of Chagos Island from Britain. He posted on X that ‘ Mauritius thanks the African Union, the Government of India and all friendly countries which have supported us in our fight for completing our de-colonisation.’ Britain and Mauritius have been in dispute over the Chagos Islands for the past 50 years. India was trying to reach an agreement in this regard between the two. Now after this agreement, India has congratulated both the countries.

* What was the dispute ?

Mauritius gained independence from Britain in 1968; but Britain did not give up its claim on Chagos Island. Mauritius claimed the island as its own. In 2017, Chagos Island voted in the United Nations. 94 countries including India voted in favour of Mauritius, while 15 countries voted in favour of Britain. In 2019, the International Court of Justice also declared the island part of Mauritius.

In 1966, before the independence of Mauritius, the United States gave Diego Garcia Island to Britain on a 50-year lease agreement. The lease was extended for another 20 years in 2016. The US has built an air and naval base here. For this, the United States had expelled thousands of people who had settled here and sent them to Britain and Mauritius.