A case has been registered against SP MP Afzal Ansari for saying , ‘Sadhu-Saints smoke Ganja in their Muths’

Ghazipur (UP) – 3 days ago anti-Hindu Samajwadi Party MP Afzal said, “Sadhu-Saints smoke Ganja. They were smoking in Lucknow. During Maha kumbha, even if a goods-train carrying Ganja is sent, it will not suffice the need.” Ansari’s murdered brother Mukhtar Ansari was a notorious gangster. The Police have registered a case against him.

Demands to legalise Ganja smoking

While speaking in an interview, Afzal Ansari had said, “Ganja smoking should be legalised, many people use it openly. They call it prasad of the Deity and consume it as medicine. If it is a divine herb, why is it illegal ? Tell your Yogi Baba to legalise it. Why Ganja smoking is done if it is not legal. It shows double standard. During Kumbha Parva if an entire goods-train is loaded with Ganja, it can be consumed. Saints, ascetics, mahatmas and people from the society smoke Ganja with great penchant. If you don’t believe me, come to Ghazipur Muth and see. I am asking to legalise Ganja smoking.”

Addressing the media, Ansari said, tell your Yogi baba to close the new liquor shop on the Bihar border. Which religion tells you to increase the number of liquor shops ? (Which religion tells to vandalise the Idols worshipped by other religions, rape the women from other religion, kill the venerable cows, convert others, vandalise their places of worship and build their own structures for prayer, spit or urinate in the food ? Will Ansari answer these questions ? – Editor.)

Editorial Perspective

The same Afzal is quiet about Mosques and madarasas creating Jihadis, storing weapons, incidents of rape, and attacks on Hindu processions, etc.