Hindus demand to cancel the allotment of land for madarasa in Udaipur (Rajasthan)

Collector recommends to the Revenue Department to cancel the allotment after opposition from Hindus

Hindu organisations incessantly demand cancellation of the land allotment for the proposed madarasa in Mavli, Udaipur Rajasthan

Udaipur (Rajasthan) – Hindus have demanded de-allotment of the land allotted for the proposed madarasa in the Mavli area here. For this, Hindus observed a bandh and submitted a statement to the Government. The Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Mavli has sent a report to the Collector of Udaipur in this regard, post which, the Collector has written a letter to the Revenue Department. The report submitted by the magistrate stated that the de-allocation of the land was recommended for several reasons, including waterlogging and the Court’s decision to restore the water catchment area. It described the land as disputed and demanded that it be cleared due to religious disputes.

Hindu organisations incessantly demand cancellation of the allotment

In 2022, during the tenure of Congress Government, the District Collector of Udaipur issued an order and allotted land to madarasa Islamia Gausia Anjuman in Mavli. Since then, Hindu organisations have been demanding to cancel this allotment.

Udaipur Collector Arvind Poswal said that on the basis of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate’s report, he has written a letter to the Revenue Department explaining why the land should not be allotted. The Magistrate’s report stated that the area has a majority Hindu population, waterlogged land and a ‘high tension line’ for electricity distribution.

Editorial Perspective

When in reality, there is an urgent need to close down several madarasas in the country, how can the Government allocate land to build new madarasas ? Hindus feel that the BJP Government in Rajasthan should by itself stop such allotments.