5 kg cylinder found on railway tracks in Kanpur (UP)

  • Conspiracy to derail the train

  • 22nd incident in the country in last 57 days

Gas cylinder found on the railway track

Kanpur (UP) – Conspiracies to cause train accidents are consistently coming to light, with several such incidents already reported in Kanpur. Recently, another plot to derail the JTTN goods train near Prempur Railway Station in Kanpur was foiled. A small cylinder was found placed on the tracks. The locomotive pilot spotted it in time, applied the emergency brakes, and stopped the train just 10 feet short of the cylinder.

1. According to the Police officers, the goods train was en route Prayagraj from Kanpur. The 5 kg cylinder found on the tracks was empty. This marks the fifth attempt to derail a train in Uttar Pradesh in the past 38 days. On 8th September, a similar attempt was made in Kanpur, where a filled cylinder was placed on the tracks to derail the Kalindi Express.

2. This was the 22nd attempt to derail a train in the country over the past 57 days. On 20th September, a similar tampering incident occurred on railway tracks in Surat, Gujarat. The National Investigation Agency has taken over the probe into these cases.

Amendments to railway laws to include provisions for life imprisonment to death penalty

Under current provisions of the Railway Act, if someone is proven to have conspired to cause a train accident, they can be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years imprisonment and a fine. Now, efforts are underway to amend the law, bringing such acts under the scope of treason. Ministry of Home Affairs sources have stated that placing obstacles on railway tracks is considered an attempt to cause an accident. If such actions result in the loss of life or property, charges of mass murder could be brought against the perpetrators, with punishments ranging from life imprisonment to the death penalty. Legal consultations are ongoing, and new provisions are expected to be notified soon.

Cameras to be installed at sensitive locations

A Railway Board official stated that the Police and gangmen have intensified inspections on the railway tracks. In the coming days, cameras will be installed at sensitive locations and plans are in place to equip railway engines with cameras for real-time monitoring. These measures will allow drivers to be alerted to obstacles on the tracks in advance, enabling them to stop the train in time.

Editorial Perspective

This is a case of ‘Rail Jihad,’ and as long as there are people with a Jihadi mindset in the country, this type of Jihad will continue. India should take China as a model to eradicate this Jihadi mentality.