Perspectives useful in overcoming Spiritual Distresses

As the time to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is coming close, the distressing energies are on a rampage. Today, almost everyone is suffering from distress caused by negative energies to some extent or the other.

Physical ailments of some people do not get cured despite proper medication, some often get confused for no apparent reason, some suffer greatly from worldly problems, some often experience unreasonable negativity or depression, some even get extreme thoughts of suicide due to severe depression, some seekers are not able to perform sadhana (Spiritual practice) appropriately despite making numerous efforts.
Many seekers perform spiritual remedies such as chanting, etc. to eliminate spiritual distress; but negative energies try to prevent them from performing spiritual remedies effectively. Consequently, the distress of the seekers does not reduce quickly and they lose interest in spiritual remedies gradually.

Although suffering arising from spiritual distress is not in our hands, controlling it by performing spiritual remedies and gradually eliminating it is. This requires changing one’s perspective towards spiritual distress. One has to create the belief that ‘I can certainly overcome distress by performing spiritual remedies’. For this, one has to constantly impress perspectives on the mind that can create positivity, enhance perseverance & enthusiasm, help develop courage and a winning attitude and therefore can be helpful in performing spiritual remedies effectively.

This Article will help achieve this goal. Since the perspectives here have been written keeping Sanatan’s seekers in mind, the word ‘seeker’ has been used for a spiritual aspirant; most perspectives are useful for everyone.

We pray at the Holy feet of Shri Guru that after studying this Article, may those suffering from spiritual distress get the inspiration to overcome it, and may they lead a happier life by performing spiritual practice in a better manner.

H.H. Sandeep Alshi

Not getting depressed even if mistakes are repeated

A distressing subtle covering develops constantly on the mind and intellect of the seekers who are suffering from spiritual distress. Such seekers repeat their mistakes. Some seekers feel depressed when their mistakes get repeated despite being vigilant and taking measures to avoid them. Seekers should not feel depressed since the main reason for their mistakes is the distressing subtle covering on the mind and intellect. Even though mistakes are being committed now, by becoming aware of them and repeatedly taking appropriate measures, an impression is created on the subconscious mind. Since it is impressed many times, once the effect of the distress reduces, such mistakes will certainly not be repeated.

Avoiding excessive worry or obsessive thinking

Seekers who are suffering from moderate to severe spiritual distress are controlled by their distress to some extent or the other. As a result, they face limitations in making extensive efforts in sadhana. Seekers who are suffering from spiritual distress either worry excessively or think obsessively about the efforts required in sadhana. Excessive worry increases unnecessary thoughts or tension, and this intensifies the spiritual distress. Obsessive thinking can generate intellectual confusion or inferiority complex. Hence, such seekers should avoid excessive worrying or obsessive thinking about their efforts in sadhana or about the incidents in their life that are unfavourable; instead, they should think only as much as is required, learn from it and continue with their sadhana. This is more appropriate. To prevent excessive worrying or obsessive thinking, immediately consult the responsible seeker. Thus, psychological energy will be saved and you will get appropriate perspectives too.

Do not have a misconception that you should perform every aspect of sadhana in a complete manner. Inability to immediately overcome a severe personality defect or ego aspect does not mean that sadhana is not taking place; because, this is only a small aspect of sadhana. Sadhana keeps taking place through other efforts such as chanting, satseva, efforts to awaken bhav (Spiritual emotion).

Hence, do not feel bad about the inability to make efforts in sadhana in a complete manner. Instead, think that trying to make complete efforts is also sadhana. In future, when the spiritual distress reduces, you will be able to make efforts in a comprehensive manner.

Combating distress by increasing mental strength

Many seekers are seen falling prey to distress; for example, feeling sad or negative if the distress increases, giving excuses that due to distress they cannot do satseva and therefore sleep more, avoiding performing spiritual remedies wholeheartedly with the thought that distress does not reduce despite performing spiritual remedies, etc.

Most revolutionaries and national heroes did not know about sadhana; they had no Guru and no one to protect them. Yet, they fought courageously. Since Sanatan’s seekers are performing sadhana, God supports them. They have a great Guru – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (Gurudev)- who takes care of seekers at the physical as well as subtle level, and seekers even get spiritual experiences associated with God. Yet, why do seekers surrender to spiritual distress. The answer is – the negative energies do their job efficiently, but seekers do not, meaning, do not perform sadhana appropriately.

Gurudev is taking upon Himself the assaults of samashti spiritual distress so that seekers do not suffer. Seekers should think that if they perform spiritual remedies (such as chanting) effectively, the impact of samashti spiritual distress on Him will reduce. Performing spiritual remedies wholeheartedly and with bhav is the sadhana of seekers.

Not ignoring minor physical & mental ailments

If the physical & psychological distresses increase, sadhana does not take place properly. Keeping this in mind, remain alert to the physical and psychological distresses and take effective remedial measures while they are still less.

Contemplating on why distress is not reducing

Many seekers who have spiritual distress only focus on spiritual remedies, but they do not contemplate much on whether their spiritual remedies are qualitative, whether diligent efforts are being made to overcome the personality defects as even minor personality defects can increase distress. As a result, their distress does not reduce quickly. If the seekers who have distress contemplate as mentioned above, it will help them get the right direction in their efforts to eliminate distress. If necessary, seekers can take help from their family members or seekers responsible for satsevas for contemplation.

Performing spiritual remedies by being alert to the symptoms of distress

Some seekers who perform spiritual remedies on a regular basis feel that there is a lot of satseva to be done or spiritual healing also takes place through satseva, thus they suddenly reduce or stop performing spiritual remedies. While it is true that spiritual healing can take place through satseva, it does not happen with everyone who is suffering from distress, because it depends on various factors such as the severity of the seeker’s distress, the nature of the distress, the seeker’s ability to combat the distress, the seeker’s spiritual level. Most of the time, by suddenly reducing or not performing spiritual remedies, the distress of seekers increases and it affects their body, mind, intellect or ego. Consequently, their satseva does not take place properly and they cannot imbibe much Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) from it.

Therefore, when seekers reduce or stop performing spiritual remedies, they should be vigilant for the next 2-4 days whether the symptoms of distress have increased. If so, the spiritual remedies should be performed as before.

If Saints have said that there is no need to perform separate spiritual remedies since spiritual healing will take place through satseva, seekers should follow their advice with faith and without doubt. However, after doing so if the symptoms of distress increase, the Saints should be respectfully informed.

Increasing the effectivity of remedies and satsevas

1. We must remember that we do not want to perform spiritual remedies as a mere chore, but to increase our devotion by chanting and reach God’s Holy feet.

2. If empty boxes are also used for performing spiritual remedies such as chanting, their effectivity will increase. Spiritual healing can take place by placing empty boxes around ourselves while performing satseva and sleeping. These empty boxes can easily be placed on the chair one on top of the other between the two thighs while performing satseva. Therefore, spiritual healing continues to take place on the two important Kundalini-chakras – the Swadhishthan-chakra and the Manipur-chakra. Many seekers have more distress related to these two chakras. They will benefit more by performing spiritual remedy in this manner.

3. Physical distress also affects the mind. If the mind is unstable due to physical distress, satseva should be given priority. The effect of physical distress on the mind is reduced by focusing on satseva. Concentration is required in the satsevas such as compiling spiritual texts. If the mind is not able to focus in this satseva, then a satseva that requires low concentration (For example, deleting unnecessary files from the computer) can be performed on priority. Insisting on performing a satseva that requires concentration when the mind is not stable or while feeling sleepy due to distress, amounts to reducing the effectivity of that satseva. If the mind becomes unstable due to psychological reasons, performing spiritual remedies should be given priority. The instability reduces rapidly when the subtle distressing covering on the mind is quickly reduced through spiritual remedies. Then, satseva can be performed.

Making mudras and doing nyas while chanting and performing spiritual remedies

Many seekers do not make mudras and do nyas while chanting & performing spiritual remedies. They should think the following in this regard.

A. Just as chanting is a type of spiritual remedy, making mudras and doing nyas are other types. When we have the opportunity to benefit from both the types of spiritual healing methods simultaneously, why leave it !

B. Sometimes, seekers do not remember to make a mudra and do nyas due to their distress. They should ask others to remind them or set an alarm on their mobile.

C. After doing nyas with one hand and making mudra with the other for some time, if the hands or fingers become uncomfortable or start aching, the hands should be switched. If it is impossible to do nyas, then at least make a mudra.

Finding a remedy as per the ‘Pranashakti flow system’

Once while performing spiritual remedy, I was chanting ‘Om’ (which I had been chanting for 2-3 days). Even after chanting for a long time, spiritual healing was not taking place. Then, I found the spiritual healing chant as per the ‘Pranashakti flow system’ and started chanting the Name of ‘Shri Agnideva (Deity of Fire)’. As soon as I started chanting this Name, I started feeling the effect of the spiritual remedy. Gurudev has bestowed immense grace on seekers by inventing the ‘Pranashakti flow system’, which is an easy method of finding spiritual remedies. The importance of identifying the Name of the Deity to chant for spiritual healing as per the ‘Pranashakti flow system’ is given ahead.

A. The negative energies troubling an individual keep changing the spot of the ailment or distress in the individual’s body. Seekers have to find out the spot for nyas themselves as per the ‘Pranashakti flow system’. This is how, they are able to identify the changing centres of the ailment or distress each time and perform the spiritual remedies with accuracy.

B. Negative energies attack people at the level of Panchamahabhuta (The Five Cosmic Principles – Pruthvi, Apa, Tej, Vayu and Akash). Mostly, even if the ailment or distress is the same, the level of the Mahabhuta on which the negative energies attack, can be different. Therefore, it is important to find the mudra and chant associated with that particular Mahabhuta to repel that particular attack.

Both the factors above emphasize the importance of finding spiritual remedies through the ‘Pranashakti flow system’. However, many seekers do not even try to find the spiritual remedies with this method, because they have no desire to learn. Some seekers do not search for spiritual remedies because they lack confidence. Other seekers do not try this method since they are not serious about it. Just like you have to enter water to learn how to swim, similarly, to learn this method, one has to make efforts. If efforts are made with faith in the Guru, self-confidence increases gradually. On the strength of this confidence, one is able to make better efforts. Since Gurudev’s resolve is for this method, seekers will certainly be able to find the appropriate spiritual remedies.

By performing spiritual remedies through this method, the fruit of Gurudev’s resolve will be obtained, meaning, spiritual distress will reduce soon.

Efforts required to increase the effectivity of chanting

A. Sometimes the intensity of the distress increases so much that attention gets distracted, and no matter how hard one tries to chant with bhav, it does not take place with bhav. At such times, chanting should be done at a fast pace so that distractions are less.

B. Try to chant continuously with the help of a Japamala or chant-machine.

C. Pray often for chanting to take place continuously.

D. Autosuggestion should be taken for chanting to take place continuously – ‘Whenever I am not talking to anyone or not having any useful thoughts, my chanting will begin immediately’.

The energy of the mind required to perform spiritual remedies depends on a positive attitude

Once, I sat to perform spiritual remedies but could not focus on spiritual remedies due to extreme fatigue and pain. At that time, by God’s grace, a positive thought came to my mind. After that, the energy of the mind increased a little and I was able to pay attention to spiritual remedies. As a result, the energy of the mind increased a little more and the spiritual remedies began to take place even better. In this way, spiritual remedies took place very well for the next one hour. From this, I realised how a positive thought is essential to increase the energy of the mind. Thus, I realised the importance of a positive perspective.

If I think negatively that doing this is not possible for me, then no matter how simple it is, it will seem impossible. Conversely, if I think positively that this is certainly possible for me, then no matter how difficult it is, it will become possible.

To perform spiritual remedies effectively, it is necessary to be consistent

When we perform spiritual remedies to eliminate the distress caused by negative energies, sometimes they create obstacles. This can lead to distress such as feeling bored of performing spiritual remedies, lack of concentration in chanting. As a result, the interest in performing spiritual remedies begins to diminish. Consequently, they are not performed effectively. The following perspective should be kept in mind to prevent this from happening – We have to remember that while making efforts to achieve great success, sometimes we can experience a small setback due to insufficient efforts or some obstacles. This failure is also important, because only by learning from it can we be successful. To keep trying without giving up even if we experience failure, amounts to being consistent.

Enhancing sadhana and devotion to overcome distress

Many seekers who have moderate to severe distress experience that as soon as they start making good sadhana efforts, in 2-4 days their efforts collapse for some reason. In general, 60% of this is due to the opposition of negative energies to sadhana and 40% is due to lack of yearning in the seeker for sadhana. When seekers begin to make good efforts, the negative energies immediately pull them back. When this happens frequently, the seekers feel depressed with the thought that they are not making good efforts in sadhana, and later give up efforts. In this regard, seekers should remember the following perspective.

What Swatantryaveer Savarkar could do in very adverse conditions of the Andamans, why can the seekers not do it in conditions which are much less adverse ? Seekers should not surrender to the negative energies but make efforts to perform sadhana with zeal, perseverance and at the level of bhav. Then, the seekers will be victorious.

Increasing efforts for the removal of personality defects and ego

Personality defects cause subtle wounds on the Manodeha (Mental body), which create Raja-Tama predominant vibrations. As a result, such people are prone to distress caused by negative energies. If the personality defects are more, the distresses are also more. The spiritual distress of people who have more personality defects does not reduce quickly and this reduces the effectivity of spiritual remedies to eliminate the distress caused by negative energies. Ego is at the root of many personality defects; therefore, just like personality defects, ego also causes an individual to fall prey to negative energies. Therefore, seekers should constantly strive to overcome various aspects of their personality defects and ego. For this, read Sanatan’s Text series – ‘Personality defects and ego removal process’.

Doing something to feel the dire need for efforts

If spiritual remedies are not performed with yearning, spiritual distress will not reduce, and consequently, we will have to suffer distress and sorrow for the rest of our life. If the personality defects and ego removal process is not followed with yearning, not only will the expected spiritual progress not take place in this birth, but the same personality defects and ego will be carried forward to the next birth. When such thoughts are impressed on the mind repeatedly, we will feel the dire need to make efforts. Then, we will start making efforts with yearning.

Increasing faith in the Guru

Sanatan’s seekers have a great Guru – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale. Through the medium of Nadipattis, Maharshi has said that He is Shri Vishnu’s form and a Moksha Guru. When we have been graced by such a Guru, why should the seekers fear, worry and grieve about spiritual distress. As per the lines from a bhajan of Saint Bhaktaraj Maharaj – ‘We are the servitors of Your Holy feet. You are the protector of our body’; Gurudev has taken care of seekers in all respects. Seekers should continue to move ahead in sadhana with the same firm faith that He will always be there for us.

Enhancing sadhana and devotion are the only permanent solutions to eliminating distress

Due to the present unfavourable times, seekers have to suffer great distress caused by negative energies. Seekers do perform spiritual remedies, but the strength of the negative energies is also great, and hence, their attacks are relentless. How long can such spiritual remedies be performed ? In an Article for the Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ once, Gurudev had written – ‘If you want to make a line small on paper, draw a longer line alongside so that it automatically becomes small’. According to this Principle, it is more important to please God by enhancing our sadhana and devotion, than to perform spiritual remedies to eliminate the distress caused by negative energies. Once God is pleased, the negative energies will not dare torment us ! Sant Tulsidas has said – ‘Ghosts and spirits dare not come near when you utter the Name of Mahaveer (Shri Hanuman)’. The words of a Saint are always true. There should be so much power in our chanting and devotion that God is compelled to come to us.

O’ seekers ! It is as if we have been challenged by destiny so that we perform the highest level of sadhana and devotion. So, let us accept this by remembering Shri Guru. Then watch, in the end victory will be ours.

It is the sadhana of other seekers to lovingly comprehend those who are suffering from spiritual distress

A. It is our sadhana to comprehend the physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual abilities of those who are suffering from spiritual distress and treat them with love.

B. Always encourage those who are suffering from spiritual distress. This will keep their enthusiasm alive and increase their ability to make efforts to overcome spiritual distress.

C. Most people who suffer from spiritual distress feel loneliness or depression. This feeling can be reduced by involving them in performing collective tasks and having Priti (Spiritual love devoid of expectations) for them.

– Pujya Sandeep Alshi (Compiler of Sanatan’s Texts)

(For details, read Sanatan’s Booklet – ‘Perspectives useful in overcoming spiritual distresses’)

  • Many seekers perform spiritual remedies to eliminate spiritual distress; but negative energies try to prevent them !
  • It is our sadhana to comprehend the physical, psychological, intellectual abilities of those who are suffering from distress !