Forget being Secular, first be Hindus !

Recently a movement for Reservations started in Bangladesh. Conveniently, it was given an anti-Hindu colour. As a result, Hindus in Bangladesh were massacred in broad daylight and subjected to brutal violence. Women were raped. Children were strangled to death. The bigoted Muslims in Bangladesh have put up acts of cruelty that would shame even the horrendous among devils. Protests were organised by Hindus all over India to oppose this genocide, with repercussions in Maharashtra as well. Muslims attacked the protesting Hindus in Nashik, and as is their trade mark, they also attacked Policemen. Here the Hindus had to face not only the attacks of the Muslims but also Police batons. The question is, where all will the Hindus suffer ? Hindus did not kill Muslims in India because the Hindus were oppressed in Bangladesh. In Hindu majority India, if Hindus cannot even protest against the genocide of their brethren, then what meaning does hailing Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj have ? Mind you, this attack by the members of the minority on members of the majority community does not show their bravery at all; rather it exposes the impotence of the majority Hindus.

Over the years, the Congress has worked to systematically emasculate the Hindus through law, journalism, in the name of social reform and progress, all under the name of the Constitution. This in a way has empowered Muslims to dare and attack the majority Hindus. If the Hindus do not respond to such attacks on time in self-defence, then it will not take long for the situation in Muslim-majority areas like Bengal, Kerala, Kashmir, etc. to transform into that like of Bangladesh. In Bangladesh and Pakistan, Hindus get beaten for being the minority community; whereas in India, Hindus get beaten for being unnecessarily secular. Therefore, Hindus have two options –

1. If they want to continue to be manhandled in future, they can continue to remain securely secular.

2. If Hindus want to repel the attacks of the Muslims in self-defence, they have but one way – become not just a Hindu, but a Hindu who has pride in Dharma. And this is by far the only way for Hindu survival.

Hindus are secular all right; however, they should never make the mistake of considering Muslims as secular. Earlier in 2012, under the excuse of attack on Muslims in Myanmar, Muslims organised a protest march at Azad Maidan in Mumbai, Maharashtra, and attacked Hindus without any reason. They vandalized public property and did not hesitate to attack Policemen also. On the one hand, Muslims resort to violence in Maharashtra over an alleged attack on Muslims in Myanmar; but on the other, if Hindus in India protest after the massacre of Hindu brethren in Bangladesh, the sentiments of Muslims get hurt. Such secularism will do no good for the existence of Hindus. Therefore, Hindus should understand in no uncertain terms that being secular means dying at the hands of religious fanatics in future.

‘Secular’ piece of advice from pro-Muslim Congress

The Congress, which took over the reins of power in Independent India, should have followed secularism in the first place. While governing the Nation as rulers, if the Congress had given equal rights, equal justice and equal treatment to all citizens, it would have been secularism to the core; but the Congress has always made laws for appeasing Muslims, and when needed, bent them as well, needless to say, also for appeasing Muslims.

While on the one hand Gandhi, Nehru and leaders of the Gandhi family who led the Congress, spent their entire lives in appeasing Muslims, the Hindus on the other hand were fed a constant dose of secularism for all these years. And what was this pseudo secularism preached by the Congress to the Hindus any way ? It was – not revealing one’s religion to respect the sentiments of other religions and respecting the religion of others. This was the so-called secularism of the Congress, Communists and the progressives who supported them. It has become so rampant that Hindus are ashamed to even consider themselves Hindus.

There is so much overdose of secularism to the Hindus that people have started believing that showing their identity as Hindus in public means hurting the sentiments of Muslims. If the pandemic of secularism continues at this rate, the destruction of Hindus is certain in the near future. All said and done, pride in Hindu Dharma remains the only antidote to this epidemic of secularism. Hence, eradicate this cancerous growth of secularism that is ruining Dharma. Followers of sects such as Islam, Christianity, etc. across the world believe in only their own sect and their religious heads. Conversely, Hindu Dharma is the one and only Path that respects every form of worship. Needless to say, that the need to be secular is for other religions, and not for Hindus.

Pride in Dharma is the way ahead

The dose of secularism in India has gone to such an extent that even if Hindus are being massacred in Bangladesh, Hindu Parties are not taking an open stand in favour of Hindus there. While the BJP, Shiv Sena or other Hindu Parties occasionally take a stand in favour of Hindus, the so-called progressive and pro-Muslim political Parties like the Congress label them communal. Party elites are afraid that if someone takes a firm stand in favour of Hindus even in Hindu Parties, it will hurt the sentiments of the minorities and will result in losing their votes. Such individuals are denied tickets by the Party during elections because there is no guarantee that the secular Hindu society will vote for them after taking a firm stand in favour of Hindus. This is the extent of the mess that has been created by this secularism.

Therefore, this so-called secularism should be rejected outright and Hindus should voice their support openly for Hindu Dharma. This is the only way to safeguard the existence of Hindus.

Muslims have been a minority community and the Congress used this aspect to shower benefits on them and give them status. Over the years, Muslims grabbed this opportunity with both the hands; they have got so used to appeasement that they have started taking undue advantage of the benefits showered on them and bossing over Hindus. Besides, there are the progressives who are die-hard advocates of secularism. They will not hesitate to advocate the philosophy of secularism to Hindus even if Hindus’ throats are cut by Muslims.

Under these circumstances, if Hindus want to survive in the future, they will need to have pride in Hindu Dharma, as was advised by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Congress has worked to systematically emasculate the Hindus through law, in the name of social reform and progress !