Proposal to ban entry of students into politics in Bangladesh

Demand to abolish reservation for women

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – A proposal has been introduced in Bangladesh to ban the process of students entering into politics in colleges. Also, no teacher or student will be able to form a party. The proposals also said that if they participate in politics, they will face strict action. Retired army officers have proposed major changes in the constitution and system of governance after Sheikh Hasina’s abdication. It is also said that the tenure of the Parliament is from 5 years to 4 or 6 years.

The proposals are made by a committee headed by retired Major General Muhammad Mehboob Al- Alam. It further said that Bangladesh will have to abandon the policy of friendship with all and enmity with none. The country has to adopt a strong and dynamic foreign policy. Also, the hand of friendship has to be extended according to the country’s interest. The seats in the Parliament should be increased by abolishing the reservation for women in the Parliament. There are currently 350 seats, which may be increased to 500. 45 seats reserved for women in Parliament should be repealed. 33 per cent reserved for women in local elections may be eliminated. The Chief Justice and Judges should be appointed by an independent selection committee instead of the Law Ministry. All judges should be required to submit their assets and financial statements before appointment.