Majority of the 650 people killed in the violence in Bangladesh were Hindus

  • The UN finally utters a word in favour of Hindus

  • A team of UN will go to Bangladesh to investigate the incidents of violence

Geneva (Switzerland) / Dhaka (Bangladesh) – The United Nations has finally uttered a word about the anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh. A report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has commented on this; but the mention of fanatical Muslims attacking Hindus was avoided. Nearly 650 people have been killed in the recent unrest in Bangladesh between 16th July and 11th August, the UN Human Rights Office has said in a preliminary report, suggesting a thorough, impartial and transparent investigation into reports of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions. According to the 10-page report titled “Preliminary Analysis of Recent Protests and Unrest in Bangladesh”, nearly 400 deaths were reported between 16th July and 4th August while around 250 people were reportedly killed following the new wave of protests between 5th and 6th August, leading to the ouster of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Hundreds of people have been injured. Hundreds of families have been rendered homeless.

Other points presented in the United Nations report

1. Between 16th July and 11th August, more than 650 people were killed in the violence that erupted after the agitation by students and youth. Minority Hindus account for most of the dead.

2. All the hospitals across the country are full of patients and there is no space left in the hospitals.

3. The exact death toll is not known as authorities have withheld information from hospitals.

4. Defence forces used excessive force.

Action should be taken against the perpetrators of violence – Volker Turk

UN Human Rights chief Volker Turk said that those who ordered or used excessive force, must be held accountable, and victims should receive reparations and effective remedies. The matter should be investigated impartially. One of our team will go to Bangladesh and review the situation there. This team will investigate incidents of violence.

Editorial Perspective

The United Nations do not dare to say, ‘This violence is carried out by radical Muslims. Muslims from Bangladesh are intolerant. They are continuously oppressing Hindus’. Now the Union Government should ask the United Nations for an answer.