Praying to God is the only option we have over the atrocities against Bangladeshi Hindus : Pejawar Shri Vishwa Prasanna Tirtha Swamy, Udupi, Karnataka


Udupi (Karnataka) – “I am extremely sad to see the oppression of Hindus in Bangladesh. Entire Hindu community should awaken and pray to God for global peace. This is the only option we have,” stated Swami Vishwa Prasanna Tirtha of the Pejawar mutt in a video.

Swamiji added, “The time has come for all Hindus in our country to be worried. Today, attacks on Hindus have increased not only in the neighbouring countries but also in the homeland. Those speaking against this are being pressurised. In such a situation, everyone in the society should be vigilant. The present condition does not permit us to depend on the Government. Surrendering to God’s feet, let us pray for the peace and prosperity in the society, country and the world.”

Editorial Perspective

Praying to God is an effective alternative. Along with that, as a collective effort, Hindus must become active to protect themselves and all Hindus in the country and then the Hindus globally.