Beware of those who are saying that incidents like in Bangladesh, can happen in India too : Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar

Jodhpur (Rajasthan) – Anti-national forces are using constitutional institutions as platforms to make their point. These forces are active in disintegrating this country. Some people are conspiring against India by saying that whatever has happened in Bangladesh is possible in India too. Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar has appealed to people that it necessary to be aware of such people. He was speaking in the Bar Council event in Rajasthan.

The Vice-President Dhankhar reacted to Congress leader Salman Khursheed’ statement, “India can face the same situation as Bangladesh”, he said, “these people who have held high positions in their careers, who have been the members of Parliament and Ministers, one of them also has long experience in Foreign Services. How can such people who hold responsible posts, spread false propaganda ?

Editorial Perspective

Instead of only warning for being mindful of them such traitors must be convicted to life imprisonment.