Maulavi Shaikh assaults 3 Hindu boys in Beed : 1 dead, 2 injured

Assaulted for eating jamun (Indian blackberry) from the dargah premises

Beed – Maualvi Mujeeb Shaikh and his accomplice Sameer Attar Qasam brutally assaulted 3 boys for eating jamun from a tree in the Mehboob Subhan dargah premises in Dindrud village. 13-year-old Tejas Katare, one of the victims, succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment. The video of the incident has been widely circulated on social media.

1. While returning from the school, Tejas Katare, Ratneshwar Thombare, and another boy plucked and ate jamun from a tree near the dargah. Maulvi Mujeeb Shaikh and his accomplice Sameer Attar Qasam approached them and began beating the three boys brutally with sticks.

2. During the assault, Maulavi Shaikh struck Tejas on the head with a stick, knocking him to the ground, and attempted to strangle him. This left Tejas seriously injured. Ratneshwar was also hurt, while the third boy managed to escape from Maulavi Shaikh and Qasam.

3. Tejas was admitted to the hospital but succumbed to his injuries while receiving treatment. Maulavi Mujeeb Shaikh was arrested following a complaint by Tejas’s mother, while Sameer Attar Qasam has absconded.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Maulavi means an Islamic religious leader. This incident shows how violent and cruel the attitude of Islamic religious leaders is. One could imagine what such leaders must be teaching the Muslim community.
  • The media which slander Hindu saints or religious leaders without valid reason, do not give publicity to such cruel acts by Islamic religious leaders; because according to them, Muslim community is ‘secular’.
  • In which burrow do those shouting ‘Islam is in danger in India’ hide when such things happen ?