Those who remove loudspeakers on the mosques, should stop DJ in Kawad Yatra : S T Hasan, Samajwadi Party

Samajwadi Party leader S.T. Hassan

Moradabad (UP) – Samajwadi Party leader and former MP Dr S T Hasan has made a controversial statement about Kawad Yatra. He said that Police remove the loudspeakers on the mosque as soon as the sound of the azan (call of prayer to Muslims through loudspeakers) goes beyond the prescribed 60 decibels; on the other hand, during Kawad Yatra, the DJ is played indiscriminately. Hasan demanded that the DJs of Kawad Yatra should also be stopped by those who remove loudspeakers from mosques. (Will the Samajwadi Party leaders realise that the noise pollution caused by the DJ played in Kawad Yatra once a year is negligible compared to the noise pollution caused by the loudspeakers on the mosques ? – Editor)

The State Government has banned weapons during Muharram, which has led to Hasan’s rage. He said that if restrictions are to be imposed, they should be imposed equally on all. Weapons should be banned in all religious processions, then we won’t have any objection, what was the need for such restrictions during Muharram ? Muslims have been showing their art in Muharram processions for many years. (Do politicians like Hasan not know that the Government takes such a decision in order to maintain law and order in the State ? – Editor)

Editorial Perspectives

  • It is not that Hasan does not know the fact that mosques use loudspeakers 5 times a day, while Kawad Yatra is organised once a year; however, he deliberately ignores this.
  • Kawad Yatra is held only in some States of North India, while the loudspeakers on mosques are played in every corner of the country. Someone should tell Hasan that there is no comparison between the two.