Swami should not interfere in political matters : Congress

Case of Shri Vishwaprasanna Tirtha Swamiji of Pejawar Muth criticising Rahul Gandhi

Pejavar Swami of the Pejavar Muth in Udupi criticised Rahul Gandhi for calling Hindus violent. (Credit – Vijay Karnataka and Mangalore Mirror)

Bengaluru (Karnataka) – Shri Vishwaprasanna Tirtha Swamiji (Pejavar Swami) of the Pejavar Muth in Udupi criticised Rahul Gandhi for calling Hindus violent. In response, the Congress has criticised Pejawar Swami in an indecent manner through its official account. Congress said, ‘We have respect for Swamiji; but poking his nose into political matters and unnecessarily criticising Congress leaders does not suit his position. Swamiji is not the representative of the entire Hindu community.’

Congress added that the BJP or RSS have not been given the contract of Hindu Dharma. BJP does not mean the entire Hindu society. (Hindus should tell Congress, which is riddled with Hindu hatred, that it has no right to talk about Hindus – Editor). Swamiji should try to maintain social harmony rather than showing interest in politics. (To pollute the society by making anti-social speeches and preach what Hindu saints should do ? While the entire anti-Hindu world was behind Congress, it could not win elections. This fact explains everything – Editor).

What did Pejavar Swami say ?

Speaking in Vijaypur, Karnataka, Pejavar Swamiji had said that some people have a habit of teasing and breaking tolerance of those who are tolerant. They have the evil intention of teasing the tolerant and creating confusion and playing their politics over it.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Is Rahul Gandhi calling Hindus violent a political issue ? Who gave Rahul Gandhi the right to mud-sling at the majority population of the country ? Political annihilation of anti-Hindu Congress is the only solution to this problem.
  • Does Congress ever make such statements against a Muslim maulavi or Christian pastor ?
  • According to Hindu scriptures, political power is subordinate to Dharma. Hence, it is not wrong if a Hindu Saint points out a mistake made by a politician. This shows the arrogance of Congress.