Will found the Hindu Rashtra with blessings of Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale : Acharya Chandra Kishore Parashar, Antararashtriya Sanatan Hindu Vahini

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 2 : Sharing of Experiences and Importance of Divine Worship

Acharya Chandra Kishore Parashar, Founder, Antararashtriya Sanatan Hindu Vahini, Bihar

Hindu Rashtra is the need of the hour. Small organisations like ours obtain the necessary energy to serve Dharma from the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav. The mission of establishing Hindu Rashtra has the blessings of Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale. With His blessings we will establish Hindu Rashtra. Based on the knowledge given by Him, we will convey the idea of Hindu Rashtra to every Hindu. This mission of Dharma requires the Brahmatej and Kshatratej like that of Bhagwan Parshuram. The establishment of Hindu Rashtra is not just an idea but a reality. Some people will oppose Hindu Rashtra, we should have the readiness to face this opposition.