Bhoomi Pujan Ritual has a lot of positive effect on the components of the Puja Ritual !

Scientific research conducted by ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ with ‘UAS (Universal Aura Scanner)’

After purchasing land, generally the first ritual is Bhoomi pujan (Ritualistic worship of the land) performed with the aim of purifying land and getting the blessings of the Sthandevata (Deity of the place). The Deities specially Pruthvi (Earth), Varaha, Kurma (tortoise incarnation) and Shesh are invoked and worshipped. By performing Bhoomi pujan, the defects in the soil are removed and it is purified with the blessings of the Deity. The land thereby becomes conducive for its master or owner.

Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve

On 4.5.2023, Bhoomi pujan of the land of a spiritual organisation was performed in Goa. Research was conducted using UAS (Universal Aura Scanner) to study scientifically how the components in the ritualistic worship are affected by Bhoomi pujan ritual. The interpretation and spiritual analysis of the observations in the study are given ahead.

The Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) was developed in 2005 by Dr. Mannem Murthy, a former nuclear scientist from Telengana. By using this instrument the energy and the aura of an object, a premises, an animal or an individual can be measured.

Mr. Ashish Sawant using the U.A.S. device for the experiment

1. Analysis of the observations in the study : In this study, UAS readings were taken before and after the ritual, of the Bhoomi pujan area (that area where the ritualistic worship was performed), the soil there, and the presiding priest and the host of the worship.

1 A. Bhoomi pujan rituals had a positive effect on the land, the priest and the host : After Bhoomi pujan ritual, the negative energy in that area and the soil over it, was nullified and their positive energy increased to a large extent. Also, the negative energy of the priest and the host reduced considerably and their positive energies increased a lot. This is clearly seen from the table given ahead.

Components Negative Energy Aura (metres) Positive Energy Aura  (metres)
Infrared Energy Ultraviolet Energy
1. Bhoomi pujan area Before ritual 17.80 11.32 1.16
After ritual 0 0 125.oo
2. Soil from the land Before ritual 13.30 13.06 0.80
After ritual 0 0 18.02
3. Priest Before ritual 14.85 8.03 5.62
After ritual 7.08 5.30 13.00
4. Host Before ritual 15.32 9.33 630.00
After ritual 8.14 5.32 777.00

2. Spiritual analysis of the observations in the study

2 A. Due to the Bhoomi pujan ritual, the land was purified and its sattvikta increased to a large extent : Before Bhoomi pujan, the area of Bhoomi pujan and the soil over the land had a lot of distressing vibrations.  Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) was generated due to the ritual, the distressing vibrations of the land disappeared and the sattvikta of the land increased to a large extent. From this, the importance of the rituals like Bhoomi pujan etc., as advocated in Hindu dharma is apparent.


2 B.  The priest and the host benefited spiritually by performing the worship with bhav (spiritual emotion ) : As the host of this Bhoomi pujan ritual was a Saint, the presence of sattvikta in Him was seen in the readings taken before the ritual too. As the host of the ritual performed the ritual with bhav the Deity principle was activated. Therefore, at the place of the ritual, Chaitanya was generated to a great extent. The priest and the host, having absorbed the Chaitanya, the covering of distressing vibrations around them reduced to a large extent and their sattvikta increased a lot.

– Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (8.2.2023)

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