Western scientific progress founded on Indian knowledge : Dr Nilesh Oak, Institute of Advanced Sciences, USA

1st session of the First Day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024)

Dr Nilesh Oak

Ramnath Temple, Goa – Sanatan Dharma is based on Shabdpramaan (Reliable verbal evidence), but Pratyaksha pramaan (Evidence gathered by observation) is equally important. Our Sages provided testimony (they put into words) of that which they experienced (observed). Therefore we should understand that, that which we call as Shabdpramaan now was actually observed and measured by Sages. So we should now try to experience this Shabdpramaan. At present, although science has progressed in Europe, this knowledge was carried from India. The west achieved rapid scientific progress only by translating the rich texts of India, said Dr Nilesh Oak (from the Institute of Advanced Sciences, USA). He was speaking on ‘Sanatan Hindu Dharma : The Strength of Vishwaguru Bharat’ in the first session of the first day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) here.

Dr Oak further said that there are hundreds of astronomical references in Ramayan and Mahabharat. These references provide clear evidence that the Mahabharat war took place 7,585 years ago, while the Ramayan took place 12,296 years ago. He also said that each of the 500-600 universities in the USA have multiple versions and copies of the Ramayan and Mahabharat and that they are studied diligently.

Dr Oak said that we express doubt when we should harbour faith, and harbour faith where doubt is due. He gave the message that each of us should practice Truth for the Intellect, Service for the Body, and Restraint for the Mind.