India to buy 150 Stryker tanks from the USA !

The USA agreed to share technology; production will be done in Bharat in stages

(Stryker tanks are 8-wheeled battle tanks)

Stryker tank

New Delhi – India and the USA are set to sign a major defence deal. Under this, the USA will supply 50 Stryker tanks. The negotiation of this agreement is in the final stage. If the deal is finalised, Bharat will gain greater leverage to support it on China’s border. The USA has also proposed to Bharat to demonstrate the speed and firepower of the Stryker tank. If the agreement is finalised, Bharat will not only co-produce but also transfer US technology to home under the ‘Make in India’ (‘Make In Bharat’) campaign. After that, technology that suits the Bharatiya region will have to be brought into it, so that these tanks can be easily used even in the high terrains like Ladakh and Sikkim. The technology of these tanks has been jointly developed by Canada and the USA.

Features of Stryker tanks –

1. Technically speaking, a Stryker tank is an armored vehicle in the army.

2. It has a 30 mm cannon and a 105 mm mobile gun.

3. It has a seating capacity of 9 soldiers.

4. The ‘range’ is 483 km.

5. The speed of the ‘striker’ is 100 km/h.