Bangladeshi smugglers assault a BSF soldier on the border

Smugglers try to drag the soldier across border

Kolkata (Bengal) – Bhole, a constable in the Border Security Force (BSF), who was stationed at the Indo-Bangladesh border was beaten up by the Bangladeshi smugglers. They tried to drag him across the border into Bangladesh, informed the BSF. The incident took place on 2ndJune at 1 p.m. BSF officers contacted Bangladeshi officers in this regard and lodged their protest.

According to the ANI, the BSF informed that Bhole was posted at the Indo-Bangladesh border, when a group of smugglers crossed the Bangladesh border and arrived at the Indian Border. They had arrived to smuggle sugar. They started hurling abuses at Bhole and surrounded him. The smugglers assaulted Bhole with bamboos and iron rod. They tried to drag him across the border into Bangladesh. They snatched rifle and radio set from him, but Bhole succeeded to free himself. Bhole was injured and had to be admitted to the hospital. The Bangladesh officers returned Bhole’s rifle and radio set to BSF.

Editorial Perspective

Smuggling across Bangladesh border is a known fact. Why does Indian Government not act to stop it ?