Celestial aspects of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s Brahmotsav

On the 83rd Birth Anniversary of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale on 30th May 2024

As per the instructions of Maharshi, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale’s (Addressed as ‘Gurudev’ in this Article) Birth Anniversary was celebrated on 11.5.2023. Since it was a supremely Divine celebration, Maharshi called it ‘Brahmotsav’.

1. During the Brahmotsav, the Venue reached Vaikuntha (Abode of Shri Vishnu)

1A. The Brahmotsav Venue reaching Vaikuntha in the subtle : During the Brahmotsav, the environment at the Venue became lighter than that of the Earth plane. Hence, the Brahmotsav Venue was lifted a little. Since the Chaitanya at that time was more and at the Nirgun (Non-materialised) level, the Venue got lifted even higher, meaning, beyond the Panchatattva (The five Cosmic Principles). Later, as it went beyond the Panchatattva to the subtlest level, it became very Divine with the presence of the Deities there. Later, the Venue got lifted further and reached Vaikuntha.

1B. During the Brahmotsav, Shri Vishnu gave darshan of Vaikuntha to the seekers : During the Brahmotsav, Shri Vishnu wanted to give darshan of Vaikuntha to His devotees. Using His Leela (Divine play), He called seekers from across the country for the Brahmotsav and took His devotees up to Vaikuntha. At that time, Vaikuntha had come a little closer to Earth.

1C. Due to the sattvik (Spiritually pure) bhav (Spiritual emotion) of the seekers, and the presence of Saints and Sadgurus, it was possible for the seekers to rise above the Bhuloka and have the experience of Vaikuntha.

2. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil sat in the Chariot

2A. Rays of Chaitanya, which reached all the higher subtle regions, were emitting from the Chariot : With Gurudev, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil also sat in the Chariot. Rays of Chaitanya were emitting from it and reaching all the higher subtle regions. Kalash (Domes) were made above their seats in the Chariot. Different Shaktis (Divine Energies) were emitting from each kalash.

2B. The colour emitting from each kalash was associated with the respective Shakti required for the Divine mission in all the three Gurus.

2C. Various colours and Shakti emitting from the kalash and their functions

Note 1 : Seekers who perform spiritual practice under the guidance of Sanatan Sanstha have a certain amount of Shri Vishnu Principle in latent form due to their spiritual practice of past births.

3. Shri Vishnu and His Shakti

3A. Emission of Shakti in different colours from all the three kalash towards the sky : Gurudev was with Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil in the Chariot. The kalash made above their seats in the Chariot was emitting Shakti of different colours towards the sky. At that time, the subtle forms of Shri Vishnu, Sridevi and Bhudevi manifested from Shakti.

3B. The form of Shri Vishnu manifested from the Shakti emitting from the kalash above Gurudev’s seat

1. The form of Shri Vishnu manifested from the Shakti emitting from the kalash above Gurudev’s seat. One hand of the four-armed Shri Vishnu was in a blessing posture while the other hand held a mace. Shri Vishnu had a lotus in His third hand and a conch in His fourth hand.

2. Since this was a Brahmotsav, Shri Vishnu was not holding the Sudarshan-chakra; instead, that hand was in a blessing posture. Brahmotsav is the day when Shri Vishnu blesses His devotees.

3C. The form of Goddess Bhudevi manifested from Shakti emitting from the kalash above Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal’s seat

1. The form of Bhudevi manifested from the Shakti emitting from the kalash above Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal’s seat. Bhudevi was wearing a green saree with a red border. Bhudevi’s right hand was in a blessing posture, while Her left hand held a lotus.

2. The lotus in Bhudevi’s hand is a symbol of all Divine qualities and devotion unto Shri Vishnu.

3. Just as a lotus blooms in soft wet mud, seekers can become Divine souls by facing difficult situations in the materialistic world.

3D. The form of Goddess Sridevi manifested from the Shakti emitting from the kalash above Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’s seat

1. The form of Goddess Sridevi manifested from the Shakti emitting from the kalash above Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’s seat. She was wearing a yellow saree that had a pink border. Sridevi’s right hand was in a blessing posture, while Her left hand held the Vedas.

2. The Vedas in Sridevi’s hands symbolise the Divine knowledge She bestows upon the seekers.

4. Sudarshan-chakra getting activated at the Venue due to Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil’s chanting

4A. Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil performed spiritual remedies for 10 hours before the celebrations started.

4B. Due to His chanting, as well as His rigorous spiritual practice of the previous births and this birth, the destroyer form of Sudarshan-chakra was activated below the Brahmotsav Venue.

4C. This Sudarshan-chakra protected the Brahmotsav Venue from the attacks of negative energies. Additionally, its spinning activated the subtle Vayutattva (Absolute Air Principle) there.

5. The Deity Principle activated because of the dresses worn by the three Gurus seated in the Chariot during the Brahmotsav and the seekers in the procession (Table ahead)

Meaning of some terms related to the word ‘subtle’

1. Subtle world : That which cannot be comprehended by the five sense organs, but whose existence is comprehended by the one who performs spiritual practice is known as the ‘subtle world’. Various Scriptures contain reference to the subtle world and knowledge.

2. Seeing, hearing in the subtle, etc. (Receiving knowledge through the five subtle sense organs) : The subtle vision of some seekers is awakened – they can perceive what the physical eyes cannot see, some seekers can hear sounds or words in the subtle.

3. Subtle analysis : ‘Subtle analysis’ is that in which the chitta (Subconscious mind) understands about an event or a process.