The innocence of the remaining two accused will be proved in the High Court as per the shloka धर्मोरक्षतिरक्षितः : Adv. P Krishnamurthy

Adv. P Krishnamurthy

After studying the verdict of the ‘Dabholkar Murder Case’, it seems the Court yielded to some pressure. As I have seen the chargesheet of this case, I welcome the decision to acquit the other three accused. The chargesheet fails to include evidence that implicates either of the five accused. Irrespective of this judgement, I am sure justice (victory) will be delivered in the higher Court. I sincerely hope that the innocence of the remaining two accused in this case will be proved in the High Court as assured in the shloka – धर्मोरक्षतिरक्षितः | (Dharma protects those who protect it). Justice, Truth and Dharma always emerge victorious in the end. This verdict is a real slap in the face for the CBI.