Mandatory inclusion of mother’s name on Government documents from 1stMay

Mumbai – The Government of Maharashtra has decided to make it mandatory to include the mother’s name along with father’s name on Government documents and IDs. The implementation of this directive has already started since 1stMay 2024. From this date onwards, all Government documents and IDs for individuals born after this date will need to include the sequence of the individual’s name, mother’s name, father’s name, and surname.

Following the Government decision, there was some confusion among citizens due to a message circulated on social media suggesting that names on existing Government documents and IDs must also be changed before 1stMay. However, this information was incorrect. With the clarification of the dates, there should no longer be any confusion.

For children born in Maharashtra on and onwards 1 st May 2024, educational documents (e.g., birth certificates, school certificates, various application forms), revenue documents (e.g., land records, property documents), pay slips, service books of Government employees, Government applications, death certificates etc., will mandatorily include the mother’s name. Exceptions or concessions will be made in the rules for orphans or exceptional cases. For married women, the sequence of their own name, their husband’s name, and then the surname will remain as before.

The underlying purpose of this decision is to ensure that women are accorded respect and a dignified position in society.