Supreme Court to hear on remarks made by the president of IMA against the SC

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New Delhi – The Supreme Court has now also turned its attention to the Indian Medical Association (IMA) in the case involving misleading advertisements by Patanjali Ayurveda. The Court has asked to present the IMA president’s remarks on the Court’s comments. During the hearing of this case, it was noted by the Court that ‘The petitioner IMA also needs to keep its house in order. There is an accusation against their doctors for prescribing expensive and unnecessary medicines. If you point a finger at someone, the other fingers point at you.’ Dr R V Ashokan, President of the IMA, had responded to these comments and questioned the remarks of the Court.

1. In an interview, Ashokan said that the language used by the Supreme Court was not appropriate. Patanjali’s lawyer, Mukul Rohatgi, brought this to the Court’s attention. He told the Court, “I have seen an interview of the president of IMA. He asked why the Court was pointing fingers at them. ‘Such remarks mean direct interference in judicial proceedings. The Supreme Court’s comments are one-sided’, he added.” In response, the judges objected. “If that is the case, then present it in the Court. If something like this has happened, then the consequences will be even more serious,” the bench said.

2. The IMA had filed a petition against Ramdev Baba and Patanjali Ayurveda regarding misleading advertisements. According to the Supreme Court’s order, Ramdev Baba and Patanjali Ayurveda had to also apologise.

Editorial Perspective

No surprise if someone feels that the Supreme Court should also ask for a public apology from the IMA president as well.